Join BrainPOP for dinner on Tuesday, November 1st from 4:00 - 6:30 PM at the Ballard Center!
Teachers – Joins us for
Dinner with BrainPOP: November 1, 4:00 -6:30 PM at the Ballard Center!
Discover with hands on learning how to leverage BrainPOP content and tools across your lessons. This workshop is excellent for both new and experienced BrainPOP users in any grade level or subject area! Learn how BrainPOP utilizes Universal Design for Learning by building background knowledge, encouraging collaboration, supporting critical and creative thinking, and optimizing customizable assessments that tap into students’ creativity. In this as-learner session, educators will create digital projects to showcase mastery so you can take the lessons into your class the very next day!
Current customers: deepen your knowledge & learn what's new plus get access to additional BrainPOP programs.
Non- subscribing schools: enjoy extended exploratory access on us!
We hope you'll join us for some lively collaboration and dinner.