Gale resources are now in the Clever Portal

Gale resources are now accessible in the Clever Portal
Posted on 04/15/2022 at 01:01

Good news! Links to Gale resources are now available in the Clever Portal for students and teachers!

Access to Gale resources will be made available based on student grade level:

Gale is one of four databases, (Britannica, Gale, ProQuest, and that is part of the California K-12 Digital Resources provided for all students through the California State Library. All four can be found on Clever and Destiny.

Find out more about Gale resources.

 Gale Environmental Studies Logo Gale in Context: Environmental Studies - Environmental issues are discussed that affect people globally through topic discussions, news,  and multimedia across the curriculum.
 Gale Interactive Science Logo Gale Interactive: Science - More than 200 interactive science lessons, guided activities, and 3D models. Covers concepts in biology, earth, space, and chemistry.
 Gale National Geographic Kids Gale Presents: National Geographic Kids - Engage students in elementary and middle school grades with National Geographic published books, magazines, videos, and images.