Digital Document Delivery Temp Update

Digital Document Delivery Template - Update
Posted on 10/24/2023 at 15:15

Effective Friday, October 27, 2023, IT will update existing templates to ensure a uniform standard across all communications sent through Digital Document Delivery.

The templates will include the following changes:

  • Digital Signature – This feature prompts the recipient to sign and acknowledge receipt of a document and can now be used with documents districtwide. Refer to the Digital Document Delivery Handbook for detailed instructions on how to use this feature.
  • Email Body – The email body of templates will be updated for clarity when communicating with recipients.
  • Email Template Name and Subject – All templates will be updated to have a uniform email name and subject line to include San Diego Unified.
  • Legal Disclaimer – The legal disclaimer previously supporting only transcripts will be revised and moved to the email body. This change was necessary to allow the digital signature feature to be used for all documents.

For these and all other supporting documentation, please visit the IT PowerSchool Resources, Handbooks, Job Aids, and Videos website.