Contact Us

 When you call us, please have the following information ready:
  • Your Employee ID, Phone Number, and your extension (If calling for, or about a student, have the student's full name and ID)

  • For hardware issues, have the Model, Type, Serial Number or C-tag number, Room Number or Location of the equipment, cart slot number (if applicable).

  • For login or password issues, please be at your computer.

  • Your Freshservice incident #, if you are calling about an existing ticket.



IT Help Desk Agents    help desk agent

  • Chum Chaydy

  • Craig Pendergrass

  • Eric Lopez

  • James Canty

  • Jim Dybes

  • Pedro Escalante

  • Sandra Vasquez

  • Shirley Love

  • Stephanie Fregene

  • Thomas Gates

  • Tony Coe

  • Willy Sanchez