Student Demographic Validations

Student Demographic Validations
Posted on 11/06/2023 at 11:15

After the recent upgrade, IT discovered that some data validations in the Demographics page were not working properly in PowerSchool. This issue allowed the submission of the Demographics page to bypass required fields such as:

  •  Parent/Guardian/Contact 1
  •  Lives with student
  •  Preferred language
  •  Education level
  •  Field 25
  •  Ever received Special Education services
  •  Have 504 Plan
  •  Field 33-LEA Medi-Cal Billing Options Program

 To address this issue, effective immediately, the validations have been reinstated.

 Additionally, IT will introduce new validations for Parent/Guardian/Contact 2 to align with state requirements for CALPADS reporting when a Parent/Guardian/Contact 2 is listed. IT will develop a report to help schools identify students where data was partially entered or missing in required Demographics page fields. More information about this will be forthcoming.