Summer School and ESY Registration 2023-24

Summer School and ESY Registration 2023-24
Posted on 02/01/2023 at 14:45

Effective Monday, February 6, 2023, the summer registration for Summer School and ESY programs will begin in PowerSchool. This process has changed. For a detailed timeline and directions for registering students refer to the Summer School/ESY Registration Process handbook. A summary of this year’s Summer School and ESY highlights is provided below for your reference.

  • It is the responsibility of the student’s home school to tag students.
  • Online instruction is only available for active iHigh students.

Summer “School Enrollments” will be created in the Summer Database for all students tagged in the main database up until Wednesday, April 14, 2023, by 4:00 PM. Students not tagged on or before April 14 must be manually enrolled and scheduled in the Summer School database. The Summer School database will be available on Monday, May 1, 2023, for schools to begin the Summer School scheduling setup.

Summer School Classified Posting for those interested in working Summer School and ESY will open on April 24 through May 5. The Site Operations Circular will be posted online with detailed instructions. For PeopleSoft technical support, contact Cleo Gonzalez at [email protected]. For general questions regarding Summer School or ESY staffing, contact Michaela Montgomery at [email protected].

Summer School Training

All staff members responsible for Summer School setup or maintenance should attend Summer School training.

  • Setup sessions are for current HOST School Staff responsible for setting up the Summer School schedule.
  • Maintenance sessions are for staff HIRED to maintain the Summer School database. 

Summer School classes will open up in Professional Learning beginning Mid-April. Please sign up in Professional Learning.